What Does AquAlliance Do?

There are political, legal, and administrative opportunities that AquAlliance pursues in collaboration with other organizations. AquAlliance is, however, uniquely focused on the protection of the northern Sacramento River’s watershed and its groundwater basins.


  • centers on the Sacramento River Hydrologic Region considering natural and human-dominated ecosystems that impact water issues
  • is an advocate using legal action when necessary to support legitimate grievances
  • develops a vibrant presence that combines interested individuals and groups
  • supports the reconstruction of floodplains
  • advances protection of vernal pool landscapes
  • seeks to maintain a healthy hydrologic balance between ground and surface waters
  • supports the rural way of life including family, agricultural, and fishing interests
  • interacts with supporting state and federal agencies to encourage responsible administrative action and policy direction.

What is AquAlliance’s focus?

AquAlliance has a unique focus. Its geographic reach is that of our hydrologic region and the scope of our projects will differ significantly from other environmental organizations. Our efforts are directed toward preventing large scale water extractions with serious environmental and economic consequences and protecting significant vernal pool landscapes. We anticipate that the consequences of our actions will be far reaching and not limited to our geographic area.

How is the Organization Funded?

AquAlliance is funded by members and grants.

How Is The Funding Used?

The expenses of the organization are kept to a minimum, so that over 90 percent of contributions are directed to environmental activism.

How May I Contribute?

AquAlliance is, a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law.