Water Archive 2012 Delta Plan’s EIR Terribly Flawed Some Ground Water Background So You Think They Don’t Want Our Water … ? Bad Bill for Northern California Water 10-Year Water Grab Moves Forward Ground Water Banking Lawsuits Does the California constitution hold the key to solving the state’s water crisis? AquAlliance Advocates for the Public Interest Voices from the Floor: HR-1837 vs. Salmon “Integrating” Ground Water into State Water Supply Ground Water Pumping Collapses Soils Reliable-Water Ruse a Ploy to Siphon Water South Water Transfer Challenged in Court Congress Members Call Tunnels Project “Potentially Damaging” AquAlliance Opposes Peripheral Tunnels – Urges Planning Before Engineering AquAlliance Troupers Create Anti-Tunnel Skit2013 Comments on Delta Stewardship Council’s recirculated Draft Programmatic EIR Comments on the Draft Environmental Assessment and Findings of No Significant Impact for the 2010-2011 Water Transfer Program Plaintiffs Prevail in Challenge to Federal Water Transfers MAKING WAVES to DEFEND Sacramento Valley Waters – Dance & Presentation Troubled Waters: Water advocates see dry monitoring wells as red flags Scope and impact of Delta twin tunnels is starting to hit home AquAlliance Notes on “Scope and impact of Delta twin tunnels is starting to hit home” AquAlliance Notes on “California voters, lawmakers have no say in OK of major river diversion plan” California voters, lawmakers have no say in OK of major river diversion plan Water Transfer Advances: Ground Water Vulnerable AquAlliance wary of water transfer deals in the works Bureau of Reclamation Draft Environmental Documents on 2013 CVP Water Transfers + Butte County Comments Owens Valley Disaster Could Be Sac Valley Future Irrigation deal’s water is trivial, precedent huge Delta Protection Commission opposes water tunnel plan We must avoid Delta disaster AquAlliance a Major Contributor to Reduced Exports Plan Environmental groups, water users sue over Delta Plan Will Angelinos Be Submerged in a New Water Tunnel Tax? Empty wells leave some area residents high and dry Statewide Coalition of Fishing, Farming, Environmental Advocates Sues to Halt Delta Plan, Water Export Tunnels California Water Plan Glossary Deceptive Economic Impact Report of Delta Export Scheme Released Water Becoming Greater Concern on Central Coast Delta Plan Has Spawned Litigation that Could Keep Water Supply in California Under a Cloud for the Indefinite Future California’s water problem discussed in Chico Lawsuits filed against emergency ordinance on Palo Robles Basin Merced County is sinking; researchers blame over-pumping of groundwater Groundwater levels falling at alarming rate while lawmakers decide what to do AquAlliance warns not to follow in dry footsteps of the San Joaquin Valley Environmental Review for Bay Delta Conservation Plan Released Locals react to Bay Delta Conservation Plan2014 No snow in Sierra a bad sign for Valley Westlands Water District Speaks With many California aquifers declining, calls grow for more oversight of groundwater Maps show steady downward trend in aquifer levels The Big Squeeze Obama Administration Announces Additional Assistance to Californians Impacted by Drought Obama to stress climate change in Fresno Drought Position Paper Feb. 2014 Days of Dessication A Drier Future? California could be in for century-long megadrought California drought: Central Valley farmland on its last legs The Politics of Drought: California Water Interests Prime the Pump in Washington New AquAlliance ad: Stop the Desert Ag water piracy! Forum May 22 to Update Public on Ground & Surface Water Letter to Editor: Do all you can to preserve north state’s water The Conversation: A controversial water transfer worth millions Groundwater in the future, water transfers and water rights, all topics at local forum Lawsuit Filed to Protect North State Farms, Fish and Communities In dry California, water fetching record prices Water Transfer Injunction Denied Lawsuit Produces Desired Outcome AquAlliance Billboard on Highway 99! Colorado River Basin groundwater loss poses threat to western US water supply California officials delay massive Delta water tunnel project Legislature Acts: New rules set for groundwater Editorial: Water law takes a new and scary turn Interview with Michael Jackson, water rights attorney AquAlliance Opposes the Water Bond Notice of Availability & Notice of Public Hearings for Draft EIS/EIR for Long-Term Water Transfers State water bond has too many variables Long-Term Water Transfers EIS/EIR Summary Letter to Editor: No on Prop 1 A tribute to California’s ‘First Lady of Water’ Draft EIS/EIR “seriously flawed” – Butte County Board of Supervisors Westlands Water District Ownership Maps Action Alert: Calls Needed Immediately! Feinstein freezes out north state in water bill talks Talks on drought bill underway on Capitol Hill Is Dianne Feinstein Crafting a Secret Water Deal to Help Big Pistachio? Feinstein shuts off California water talks until 20152015 Is LaMalfa Misinformed on Water Bill or Misleading the Public? San Joaquin Valley farmers reach secret deal in water dispute Response to LaMalfa letter (Jan. 11, 2015) Little fish could be savior for overtapped delta Ninth Circuit Sides With Salmon Groundwater Forum March 12, 2015 10-Year Water Transfers Final EIS/EIR Approved Costs vs. Benefits of Big Water Projects Important Public Water Meeting: Mon., April 13, Chico Elks Lodge Little fish’s disappearance is a big problem Drought In California Creates Water Wars Between Farmers, Developers, Residents Recycled Drinking Water: Getting Past the Yuck Factor “Treading Water” Film Reveals Disturbing History Violations of Public Trust Lawsuit North-to-South Water Transfers Encourage Inefficient Use of Agricultural Water Water scheme jeopardizes valley Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction in California’s Central Valley Lawsuit Filed Against 10-Year Water Transfer Program Plaintiffs Prevail in Challenge to Federal Water Transfer Special Report: Retiring Toxic Farmland in Western San Joaquin Valley Would Save Water, Environment & Taxpayer Money AquAlliance Comments on Draft EIR for GCID 10-Wells Project U.S. ready to resolve Westlands water dispute in San Joaquin Valley North State Water Action Forum Sept. 22, 2015 Duped Into a Bad Water Deal Westlands Drain Settlement Filed 9.16.15 Public Records 1, GCID 02016 Farmers Try Political Force to Twist Open California’s Taps Twin Tunnels Protest 1.5.16 Those “Fracking” Facts, Jerry Brown’s Lost Colusa Oil Wells Found Federal SEC Charges Westlands Water District with ‘Enron Accounting’ Fine should put a halt to twin tunnels Tunnels don’t add up, now we know why The drought’s silver lining: It’s forced us to confront the Golden State’s scarcity of water Trump lives in fact-free world on our drought Victory for the NorthState! Meet the California Couple who Uses More Water than Every Home In LA Combined 2016 AquAlliance Water Conference Set for Nov. 17-18 Trump’s water policy vague but a concern2017 Keats: California water projects rely on imaginary water Quit your bellyaching and restore the San Joaquin River Flash Flood Warning Feb. 12, 2017 Butte County Files Oroville Dam Emergency Petition California Governor Jerry Brown makes secret stop in Oroville Oroville Spillway Incident Overview New Questions Over California Water Project Brown’s twin tunnels will hurt the delta Lawsuit Filed Against DWR over Oroville Dam Records Why is the state withholding asbestos records at Oroville Dam? Court Order Regarding AquAlliance 10-Year Water Transfer Lawsuit Lawsuit Filed Against Twin Tunnels (aka WaterFix) Lawsuit Challenges Destructive Delta Tunnels Project in California DWR still makes missteps with communication Federal Water Agency Failed to Disclose Funding for Twin Tunnels2018 Final verdict on Oroville Dam: ‘Long-term systemic failure’ by the state, regulators Significant Legal Win for North State: 10-Year Water Transfer Program Failed Analysis and Disclosure Minute by minute: What if Oroville Dam’s spillway had failed one year ago? Marching on: Nonprofit notches another win in long battle to protect North State water The Water Crises Aren’t Coming—They’re Here Pay Up, Shut Up How you can stop Sacramento from raising your water rates and property taxes Watchdogs Sue Metropolitan Water District Over Delta Tunnel Financing Trump’s nonsense tweets on water and wildfires are dangerous2019 Gov. Newsom must mop up Brown’s water mess Comments on 6-Year Transfer Program Eye of the Storm: AquAlliance, Allies Prepare for Next Wave of Water Fights Opinion: Bottled Water Is Sucking Florida Dry2020 ChicoSol journalists capture 5 state awards Would Sites reservoir become a ‘biological wasteland’? Massive Northern California reservoir project scaled back to reduce costs Lawsuit Filed Against Long Term Water Transfer Program2022 West megadrought worsens to driest in at least 1,200 years NorthState Groundwater Pumping Threats Provoke Lawsuits Sinkholes Found in Glenn County MaMuse Sponsors GoFundMe Campaign for AquAlliance! Dispelling Delta Tunnel Myths with the Facts2023 AquAlliance Speaks Out on Tuscan Water District ‘Water Grab’2025 Subsidence in Colusa, Glenn, Tehama & Sacramento Counties 2015-2024