Help us stop the June water transfers! We need to act now or 195,000 acre-feet of our NorthState water will head south.
The US Bureau of Reclamation intends to send NorthState water to desert growers south of the Delta who signed contracts agreeing they would get no water in dry years — and now they want us to bail them out with water that we need for our own crops, communities and economy.
Politically-connected water districts south of the Delta have already destroyed their own aquifers and their actions will put ours in danger. In the last year, aquifer levels dropped 19 feet in Butte County and 32 feet in Glenn County. Deepening wells can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Why should NorthState farmers pay for the bad business decisions of desert growers?
AquAlliance is the only group now prepared to act to stop this piracy. The courts are the only branch of government left where we can still make a difference.
Together we can stop this! Please donate now to our Water Defense Fund – send a check to PO Box 4024, Chico, CA 95927 or click here to donate online. Consider hosting a meeting of your friends and neighbors to inform them of this serious water threat. For more information, phone AquAlliance at 530-895-9420.